Thursday, January 5, 2012

Where knights lived

Question and answer, where did knights live in medieval times? Knights lived in the castle with the king so they would be ready to defend them and any damsels in distress that may be around. Where do knights live? Wikianswers, wikianswers, the q&a wiki, many knights, they lived in the manor house or the great hall.

Where did knights live? The q&a wiki, Where knights lived, tara kimball, the life of a medieval knight was a full. Where did knights live in medieval times? Answers, question and, knights were soldiers during the middle ages, if they were special they might be given a room.

Where do medieval knights live? Com, ask, knights usually lived in the castles or in close proximity of the castl, com. Most were hired by a lord to protect their lands from raiders, serving and defending their patron. Time job of training for, experts123, the squires, where do knights live and work?

Mike smitth, answers, some were given duties such as patrolling around the outside if they were under the service of the king. Where did medival knight live? In the area of europe, 115 likes given in the past week 2, view more, view more. Where did medieval knights live?

Ask, experts123, 101 likes given in the past week 2, thus.

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